
As usual, a cartoon all about K.O. bonding with more experience heroes he looks up to is one of the best ones to ask for from this show. This one is especially true for featuring him alongside the highest-level hero of them all and who happens to be the lover of his mom, Mr. Gar. I mean, ever since the show began, K.O. has valued him quite a bit, so it was inarguably very rewarding to get to work for him. Now with him being closer to Carol, Mr. Gar is now trusted enough to look after him for an afternoon.
There isn’t much bonding over little things aside from the opening, but what the cartoon provides still ends up being very rewarding for the audience and Mr. Gar’s character. While looking after K.O., Mr. Gar gets called on a secret mission, and he insists that K.O. should not come. With the help of the impulse of a sad child, K.O. does succeed in convincing Mr. Gar otherwise. That said, it’s the way to the top secret mission that makes the cartoon as interesting as it can be. K.O. is curious to know where Mr. Gar even gets his assignments, but he’s quick to state that it’s certainly not from P.O.I.N.T.
From there comes a flashback of the missing piece of information about his past at P.O.I.N.T. picking up after the demise of one of its most elite members, Laserblast. An act this drastic and seemingly tragic was enough to get him scorn from everyone including his teammates. Then came the most crushing moment of all when Foxtail declared that because of the implications of the incident ruining P.O.I.N.T.’s name, Mr. Gar had to be let go. From just a few shocked and saddened facial expressions, you can tell that even his closest partners, including Carol, felt this was too far. Either way, Mr. Gar was then sent on a path of roaming the world having lost his identity and semblance of purpose. It’s among one of the most emotional outcomes of a huge mistake someone can be faced with.
Then the flashback is interrupted when Mr. Gar and K.O. arrive at the site of the secret mission. Although K.O. is told to cover his eyes while Mr. Gar takes care of everything, the actual mission is something he has some awareness of. There’s a bunch of glorbs escaping from a crack, suggesting they’re above the tree from they come from. Also, a creatively designed creature made of cantaloupe and watermelon is trying to steal the glorbs. While Mr. Gar handles him well, K.O. turns out to be a viable force to really stop the fruit monster, further showcasing his true capabilities as a hero.
As Mr.
Gar later struggles to properly congratulate him, he and K.O. end up bonding
more through the rest of the flashback.
The sad state of affairs for Mr. Gar turned into virtue as he gained his
confidence through little hero jobs and eventually meeting the literal
President of the Universe. He was happy
to grant Mr. Gar with the real estate of the entire glorb tree which in turned
inspired Mr. Gar to build the plaza around it as a base. That is the makings of a true hero, and one
impressive enough for K.O. to clearly love as a father. For its insightful well-told backstories and
how they work for the present, this cartoon is one from this show to look up.
Season 2
1. Your World is an Illusion
2. T.K.O.’s House
3. Final Exams
4. CarolQuest
5. All in the Villainy
6. GarQuest
7. Dendy’s Power
8. Crossover Nexus
9. Lord Cowboy Darrell
10. Bittersweet Rivals
11. Red Action to the Future
12. My Fair Carol
13. Are You Ready for Some Megafootball?!
14. Boxman Crashes
15. Wisdom Strength and Charisma
16. I Am Jethro
17. Mystery Sleepover
18. Super Black Friday
19. Point to the Plaza
20. Project Ray Way
21. Special Delivery
22. Seasons Change
23. The So-Bad-Ical
24. Monster Party
25. Sidekick Scouts
26. Whacky Jaxxyz
27. Plaza Film Festival
28. Let’s Watch the Boxmore Show
29. Be a Team
30. Plaza Alone
31. Soda Genie
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