Monday, July 8, 2019

Gemcation (Steven Universe Season 5 Episode 6) - 'Toon Reviews 29

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Regarding Connie splitting up from Steven as a result of him surrendering himself to Homeworld, this is a conflict that lasts for quite some time.  It’s so huge that Steven ends up focusing on that more than any big Gem information he picked up while on Homeworld.  On one hand, it makes sense that he would be fixated on this since Connie is his best friend, and she did feel let down by him going back on something she was so devoted to.  It’s an interesting way of showing the magnitude of his decision where being a martyr seemed noble, but was unknowingly selfish.  Still, it’s frustrating that we get stalled from moving forward with anything interesting that could advance this show’s underlying plot. 
I can’t fault the wholesome family values that drive everything along though.  As Steven feels down about his actions and is glued to his phone hoping Connie will answer his texts and calls, Greg and the Crystal Gems think he’s upset about Homeworld.  They respond to this by taking him on a vacation to a rented cabin in the woods. All throughout, they do what they can to make the experience seem pleasing to Steven like good parents would to get their child happy.  Their methods start off as simple through making the best of any setback through complying with rules and random mishaps like snakes.  It makes for a few solid laughs from reactions to what they find. 
With Steven still feeling down though, the Crystal Gems try consoling him by putting anything related to Homeworld and the Diamonds into context.  It’s here where the frustrations really make themselves known.  Considering that Amethyst was made on Earth and not around for the Gem War, it’s understandable that she offers nothing. 
Then Garnet offers what seems like an exciting story about facing Pink Diamond, and Steven just brushes it off.  I know his mind is on other things and he can’t focus on it, but this information is straight up offered to him.  He should show some engagement in it.  Thankfully, with the rest of Season 5 and the real Pink Diamond in mind, Garnet’s story getting the shaft isn’t so stinging after all. 
Finally, all these attempts build up to Pearl and how she’s the one whose connection with Homeworld we know the least about.  She’s dropped hints before, but nothing about her relationship to the place has been clear.  Since Garnet and Amethyst can’t get Steven to say what’s wrong, she now has to.  From there, we see hints of how big Pearl’s role on Homeworld really was.  When trying to explain about Homeworld and the Diamonds, her hand goes up covering her mouth, and it seems like it’s involuntarily doing that as she tries to force it off.  It brings a lot of context to the peculiar way she’s covered her mouth when those subjects were brought up in several past cartoons.  Dropping the suggestion that the gesture is more than just showing she’s upset is a good first step towards it taking the forefront later on. 
Of course, when Steven finally admits his upset feelings being over Connie not talking to him for a week, this is instantly forgotten.  Even so, it’s hard to fault the merit of how Greg responds to this.  His advice on how Steven’s actions of surrendering himself being huge enough to require major ways of dealing with it has some believable weight to it.  Again, it’s a decent way of showing the magnitude of his actions.  The last sequence of getting reception for Steven’s phone only to reveal that Connie really hasn’t contacted him shows that she really is just taking her time to deal with things.  Thankfully, a wholesome scene of Steven stargazing with Greg and the Gems is an endearing comfort for the time. 
It’s the sense of family like this that somewhat makes up for not really moving forward with big Gem reveals despite constantly being set up to do so.

Season 4 Ranking

1.      I Am My Mom

2.      Storm in the Room

3.      Mindful Education

4.      That Will Be All

5.      Steven’s Dream

6.      Last One Out of Beach City

7.      Are You My Dad?

8.      The Zoo

9.      The Good Lars

10.  Gem Heist

11.  Gem Harvest

12.  Three Gems and a Baby

13.  Adventures in Light Distortion

14.  Buddy’s Book

15.  Know Your Fusion

16.  The New Crystal Gems

17.  Lion 4: Alternate Ending

18.  Doug Out

19.  Kindergarten Kid

20.  Room for Ruby

21.  Future Boy Zoltron

22.  Tiger Philanthropist

23.  Rocknaldo

24.  Onion Gang

Season 5 Ranking

1.      The Trial

2.      Off Colors

3.      Stuck Together

4.      Lars’ Head

5.      Gemcation

6.      Dewey Wins

The next Steven Universe review shows Lapis and Peridot's reactions to Steven's big surrender to Homeworld.
Next time on MC Toon Reviews is "Home of the Fave" and "Hero Today Gone Tomorrow" from The Loud House.
If you would like to check out other Steven Universe reviews on this blog, click here for the guide made especially for them.

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