Monday, June 24, 2019

I Am My Mom (Steven Universe Season 4 Episode 24) - 'Toon Reviews 29

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I Am My Mom
As a follow-up to the already strong start to the Season 4 finale, this is quite exceptional.  The big factor working in its favor is how it features some of the heaviest and most emotionally gripping decisions of this underlying story. 
The stakes are already risen a lot with a good number of Steven’s friends taken by invading Homeworld Gems, Aquamarine and Topaz.  A lot is riding on their safety as Steven and the Crystal Gems have to work fast to save them from being taken away. Especially concerning is that they now don't have a spaceship to save them if they do leave Earth.  There’s also big concern for their possible fates given that Sapphire gave Yellow and Blue Diamond an idea to get more humans for the human zoo not long ago. 
Once they uncover the captured humans, we get quite an encounter with Homeworld Gems unlike any other.  One of the standout elements is Aquamarine herself.  She has the body and voice of a sweet little girl, but that’s a huge metaphor that just because someone looks innocent, they can still be quite dangerous.  That’s very apparent through her disdain for her mission, how she gleefully beats about her enemies with her headpiece of a magic want, and how she’s willing to kill her captors. 
There’s also an interesting reason for why she and Topaz are capturing these particular humans.  It makes great use of an offhand remark from the Season 1 cartoon “Marble Madness” where Steven naively gave Peridot a list of random humans he knows.  This explains why Aquamarine was specifically after “my dad,” believing it’s the human’s name.  She never really had a dad at all.  All the while, Steven realizing how his past goofing around led to this big life-threatening situation makes him incredibly guilty.  That’s huge considering how he feels like he’s inherited the mistakes of his mother that made the Diamonds more bent on destroying Earth than ever. 
He does put in good efforts to make up for everything by claiming to be “my dad” himself so to get capture and use his bubble to break Topaz apart and free everyone.  It’s not until they’re on Aquamarine’s ship when he’s able to do it though. This in turn brings even more desperation as the humans make a scramble for it while Aquamarine orders Topaz to get things under control.  Highlighting moments include Connie ready to face the invading Gems with Steven in too much turmoil to concentrate, even on his best friend.  There’s also major drama from Lars who’s visibly too terrified to do anything. The big kicker comes when Sadie’s grabbed by Topaz, Lars is all set to save her, but then just runs away like a coward.  It’s an interesting way of showing the problems with this pairing without Lars being an edgy jerk.  Ultimately, these efforts become futile when Aquamarine still gets a hold on everyone before they can even escape. 
It’s here when the cartoon is at its heaviest when Steven gets the impression that there’s only one way to set things right.  He admits that he’s actually the sworn enemy of Homeworld, Rose Quartz, allowing himself to be taken away for punishment.  The emotional undertones are at their highest as the swelling music, Steven’s loved ones begging him not to go, and Steven still heading towards his fate bring much power.  It becomes remarkable that he’d be pushed to such martyrdom and perfectly showcases how much the series has matured despite everything.  One thing’s for sure, it’s a great lead-in to the many game-changers the following season will offer. 
Bringing it to life is this amazing cartoon built on impactful characterizations, genuine emotions, and unforgettable tough choices showcasing the growth of this great animated series.

Season 4 Ranking
  1. I Am My Mom
  2. Storm in the Room
  3. Mindful Education
  4. That Will Be All
  5. Steven’s Dream
  6. Last One Out of Beach City
  7. Are You My Dad?
  8. The Zoo
  9. The Good Lars
  10. Gem Heist
  11. Gem Harvest
  12. Three Gems and a Baby
  13. Adventures in Light Distortion
  14. Buddy’s Book
  15. Know Your Fusion
  16. The New Crystal Gems
  17. Lion 4: Alternate Ending
  18. Doug Out
  19. Kindergarten Kid
  20. Room for Ruby
  21. Future Boy Zoltron
  22. Tiger Philanthropist
  23. Rocknaldo
  24. Onion Gang
We certainly ended Season 4 with a majorly heavy experience and powerful ending.  The best part is, you won’t have to wait long for me to discuss what happens next.  See you Wednesday for the start of Season 5 reviews for Steven Universe.
Next time on MC Toon Reviews is something much lighter from The Loud House "Everybody Loves Leni" and "Middle Men."

If you would like to check out other Steven Universe reviews on this blog, click here for the guide made especially for them.

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