Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Lars' Head (Steven Universe Season 5 Episode 4) - 'Toon Reviews 29

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Lars’ Head
The first few cartoons of Season 5 have featured a lot of big reveals and character development with many big things happening.  This one, on the other hand, doesn’t have as many big events going on to make it stand out in that sense.  Even so, immediately following the huge moments of the previous cartoon, mainly Lars’ death and resurrection from Steven unlocking his healing tears, offers a lot to explore. 
The big thing about it is that Lars is now pink as a result of Steven’s magic, doesn’t feel tired or weak at all, and doesn’t even get hungry despite not eating in days.  The feel of mystery is appropriately prominent in this case. Lars freaks out over the prospect of technically being a zombie now while the Off Color Gems ponder the meaning of a human changing hue.  Then again, as is the case with Gems, it’s to be expected for them to not get how things that come naturally to humans work, although Lars’ condition is unusual even to humans. 
Another big thing to Lars’ transformation has to do with his hair which is also pink.  With a single touch, his hand goes right through it.  Resourceful with magic elements, Steven is quick to deduce what this phenomena is.  Requesting to go into Lars’ head, his prediction proves correct as he ends up in that same airless dimension with a familiar tree on a hill with Rose Quartz’s mementos.  This time though, another one has appeared next to it.  In other words, having turned pink, Lars now has a connection with Lion.  Because of this, Steven returns to Earth through Lion’s mane who happens to be at his house at this moment.  Just through simply analyzing the situation, we get huge fascinating reveals on where Lion got his powers and color from.  A past cartoon showed his true relationship with Rose, and now it goes without saying that he was an average lion who was killed and brought back to life with tears.  How he was killed though is still largely unknown. 
After the discovery is made, new goals are set in motion for the Off Colors to go to Earth where they’ll all be safe from the Diamonds and getting shattered.  You’d think going through Lars’ head would be the first thing they do, but they’re far too loyal for that.  Of course, Lars can’t enter his own hair and therefore can’t join everyone, so the Off Colors stick with him vowing to find another way to Earth.  Lars still has a lot to offer from his newfound nobility as he straight-up insists that Steven, who’s understandably hesitant to leave him, go back to Earth alone.  It’s all in the name of keeping Steven safe since Homeworld’s after him and by extension anyone with him.  Not to mention, Lars believes that being brought back to life means proving he deserves it which is the epitome of bold if you ask me.  After putting up a strong fight to protect Gems he just met and giving his life for them, he really seems strong enough to put in the effort for survival. Later on, the effort shows even more. 
So we end with Steven happily returning to his friends and family in a very endearing reunion. That said, his overt happiness of coming back and trying to let everyone know that everything’s fine does bring some of the following cartoons down a bit.  While that is the case, this is still a solid end to the arc with exploration of a new magical element and genuine emotions from building character bonds.

Season 4 Ranking

1.      I Am My Mom

2.      Storm in the Room

3.      Mindful Education

4.      That Will Be All

5.      Steven’s Dream

6.      Last One Out of Beach City

7.      Are You My Dad?

8.      The Zoo

9.      The Good Lars

10.  Gem Heist

11.  Gem Harvest

12.  Three Gems and a Baby

13.  Adventures in Light Distortion

14.  Buddy’s Book

15.  Know Your Fusion

16.  The New Crystal Gems

17.  Lion 4: Alternate Ending

18.  Doug Out

19.  Kindergarten Kid

20.  Room for Ruby

21.  Future Boy Zoltron

22.  Tiger Philanthropist

23.  Rocknaldo

24.  Onion Gang

Season 5 Ranking

1.      The Trial

2.      Off Colors

3.      Stuck Together

4.      Lars’ Head

The next Steven Universe review follows Beach City begin to face huge status quo changes following the recent abductions, though Steven trying to ensure everything's fine weakens the experience.
Next time on MC Toon Reviews is "Predict Ability" and "Driving Ambition" from The Loud House.
If you would like to check out other Steven Universe reviews on this blog, click here for the guide made especially for them.

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