Friday, July 10, 2020

Prickly Pair - (Steven Universe Future Episode 10) - 'Toon Reviews 41

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Prickly Pair

As most of the cartoons we’ve gotten in this epilogue series have shown, much of what Steven is going through relates to not knowing where he should go after saving the universe.  Right after quitting his position at Little Homeschool and witnessing much of his human friends moving on without him, this cartoon is on him exploring a possible future.  

Within a newly built dome at his house, Steven takes up tending to plants, a good way to be one with Earth’s organic beings.  That said, there’s a catch to all this as he names all the plants after his friends and emphasizes keeping them around so they’ll never leave.  As you can see, there are a few unhealthy undertones to this potential path and bear a strong resemblance to recent events.  

As for this particular cartoon, its events showcase another big part of Steven’s turmoil.  When Garnet tells him to keep an eye on the cactus, you can probably guess it’s going to cause some problem.  Although Steven is mainly growing the plants the traditional laborious way, his magic healing spit ends up on the cactus, and it comes to life.  Normally, this would be highly creative, but while it kind of is, it’s an extension of what was seen before with beings like the Watermelon Stevens.  

However, the cactus, whom Steven refers to as Cactus Steven, has more to him than just being alive.  It happens when Steven bonds with the cactus so much, he gets pretty personal with what he tells him.  The biggest example is how he laments that while everyone else is moving on, Steven is unsure of his own future and how no one seems to need his help.  After making these claims, Cactus Steven does more than just come to life.  Unlike the other plants Steven has brought to life, Cactus Steven actually talks, making it seem like he truly is a whole new living being.  However, the catch to all this is how Cactus Steven talks.  Rather than speak for himself, everything he says are things Steven told him, getting deep and personal in front of the main Crystal Gems.  

After setting Cactus Steven down, Steven slowly reveals another part of his issues.  He claims he wants to be needed and helpful, but has grown to have complicated feelings about the main Crystal Gems, even if he hasn’t said anything about this.  He doesn’t want Pearl to hear anything emotional in fear that she won’t take it well and he’ll be left with her baggage.  He also doesn’t want to be grilled with high and mighty advice from Garnet.  Finally, even though he said this was so himself, he really doesn’t want Amethyst to act like she’s so mature.  Like with his earlier claims though, Cactus Steven ends up repeating his rants about the Gems too, and that brings consequences.  

The next day, Steven has to fight Cactus Steven now turned into a monstrous being fueled by nothing but emotional baggage Steven has inadvertently fed him.  Beating it is also very difficult for the cactus’s natural durability and prickles as the main Crystal Gems soon find out.  In the end, Steven pacifies it by apologizing for filling it with turmoil.  However, the outcome is still bittersweet when all seems to be forgiven, but Cactus Steven insists on going off on his own.  Steven is now back where he started without a new path and still being hesitant to talk with Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl about his troubles, feeling Cactus Steven said enough.  One can easily assume this will lead to even more drama, but it’s still impressive that despite not being the most exciting story, this cartoon pulls this concept off so well.


The Ranking

1.      Volleyball

2.      Little Graduation

3.      Little Homeschool

4.      Prickly Pair

5.      Bluebird

6.      Why So Blue?

7.      Snow Day

8.      Rose Buds

9.      Guidance

10.  A Very Special Episode

The next Steven Universe Future review shows Steven's dreams speaking his feelings of being needed for him.

Next time on MC Toon Reviews is "Red Action to the Future" from OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes.

If you would like to check out other Steven Universe reviews on this blog, click here for the guide made especially for them.

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