Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hear Some Evil See Some Evil (Xiaolin Showdown Season 2 Episode 9) - 'Toon Reviews 35

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Hear Some Evil, See Some Evil

We all know that even the best of friends can fight some times.  That’s a normal part of life, annoying as it can be.  However, in the case of this show, it gets concerning that it’s allowed to happen when said friends are responsible for the safety of the entire world. 
Here, not only do the Xiaolin Warriors get up to various insults towards each other, but they’re also a complete mess when it comes to combat.  Even during training they let themselves get distracted by insignificant outside sources.  All I can do is question where this tendency to being swayed by distractions came from.  The Warriors have been incredibly competent in battle and training before, so why would they have such trouble doing well now?  It’s like they’re only acting this way because the plot demands it and no other logical reason. 
Another likely reason brings on their biggest distraction of all.  The Shen Gong Wu they’re looking for this time is called the Mind Reader Conch which as you can tell allows the user to listen to the thoughts of others.  When the Warriors get it, they end up hearing insults towards each other which make them very upset.  First of all, it’s hard to believe they’d focus so much on petty nuisances when they’re on the job.  It’s like the events of the beginning of “Royal Rumble” but at a worse spot in a place where they should be focusing on getting that Shen Gong Wu. 
Also, even after they do obtain the Mind Reader Conch, they’re drawn to use it behind everyone’s back to listen in on each other’s thoughts.  Why would what they think even be such a big deal to them in the first place?  I feel like they should know that their thoughts will distract them even more.  They don’t even listen to everyone’s thoughts, just the guys they have a problem with.  Ultimately, Omi and Raimundo become at odds with each other and Kimiko and Clay are the same.  What about the majority? 
There are clear consequences when their weak concerns lead to Jack stealing a big haul of their Shen Gong Wu.  When it comes to working around this, they’re guided to use the insults they got to better themselves.  They actually think this means thanking each other for the insults which they do sarcastically.  Couldn’t someone have mentioned using them as constructive criticism so they legitimately can better themselves?  At least their team dynamic is much more apparent from here on. 
If that’s not enough, the Jack portion of the episode is a fun little addition.  This time he’s looking after his little cousin Megan who is an absolute joy.  She has the appearance and demeanor of a sweet little girl, but shows she means business against Jack and his nonsense.  Through her own little ways, she easily figures out how to work Jack’s inventions as well as his Shen Gong Wu to her advantage.  When the Warriors show up to get their Shen Gong Wu back, Megan also uses her love of fancy dresses and tea parties to help them out. 
During this, we get an exciting Xiaolin Showdown for a whole bag of Shen Gong Wu where all either Omi or Jack have to do is say uncle.  Since Jack has the Mind Reader Conch, there’s a humorous takedown as everyone ruins his confidence with their own insults.  His ultimate reaction is much more fitting given what’s known about his character, and amusingly over the top.  Getting intimidated by Megan after he shrinks himself with the Changing Chopsticks is a nice touch too. 
The payoff to this episode is quite satisfactory even if you may get concerned over the protagonists’ weightless concerns to get there.

The Ranking

1.      Citadel of Doom

2.      Enter the Dragon

3.      Days Past

4.      PandaTown

5.      The Sands of Time

6.      Crystal Glasses

7.      The Shard of Lightning

8.      Hear Some Evil, See Some Evil

9.      Sizing Up Omi

Be sure to stay tuned for the review of the next episode where the Warriors are held back by their biggest fears and Jack makes a movie of them.
If you would like to check out other Xiaolin Showdown reviews on this blog, click here for the guide made especially for them.

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