Friday, February 15, 2019

The Nisse (Hilda Season 1 Episode 12) - 'Toon Reviews 26

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The Nisse
Although the previous episode felt like an appropriate end to Hilda’s main arc, this is not where the season ends.  The last two episodes tie up the loose ends of other topics.  This doesn’t make for the grandest finish, but they’re both good as they are.  That said, this episode does have a fair share of flaws mostly with how it feels like different stories all at once. 
We have the Sparrow Scouts having an end of the year camping trip while Hilda and David lament over Frida not showing up for a long time.  There are strong implications that if this is the end of the year, a lot of time must have passed since their falling out.  It’s kind of much for being over a few minor shortcomings Frida’s overreacting towards.  Apparently, she’s befriended an older girl, Kelly, who does not seem like Frida’s type and suspiciously keeps showing up behind her by surprise.  However, Frida putting up with Kelly does bring a relatable instance of falling into the wrong crowd after a life-shattering event.  As interesting as this seems, this part doesn’t stand out as much when another subplot to give the episode its name appears. 
While preparing for the camping trip, Hilda meets a creature called a nisse.  They’re house spirits who live in worlds composed of small spaces people can’t reach that apparently every home has.  With this one all alone, Johana suspects that this nisse was thrown out for doing something bad.  She does so rather harshly and is quick to shoot down Hilda’s sympathy for him which isn’t a good fit for what we’ve seen of her.  Hilda still wants to help the nisse, named Tontu, especially upon learning he was thrown out for something he didn’t do.  She offers him a place in her home which he’s wary of since a nisse living there won’t like.  This makes Hilda seem very naïve. She’s dealing with a creature she knows nothing about and her mother clearly wants nothing to do with Tontu.  While her actions bring a cute look at a nisse’s usual space in a house, they cause a fight between nisses that messes Hilda’s house up, and Hilda faces scorn for it. 
At least the mood is lightened somewhat as Hilda is dropped off for her camping trip.  There, the radically different subplots make a good attempt to go together.  Hilda and David find Tontu in the woods where they agree to find his real house and clear his name.  It also comes with boneheaded moves when they stray from the campsite to talk with him.  Couldn’t they have invited Tontu to their tent to discuss things so they won't get into trouble? 
Ultimately, Tontu becomes nothing but a plot devise, when checking on him gives Hilda and David a reason to sneak out and find out the truth about Frida’s new friend.  Kelly is part of the team of marras, and their magic starts working on Frida as she’s illuminated by the nightmares they share.  As Hilda and David uncover the group, they gloat about how Frida, based on what she’s been through, will be one of them some day.  Out of this is one of David’s biggest showings of backbone since overcoming a marra himself, daring to call them cowards who give other people nightmares to hide their insecurities.  It’s great build-up to a shocking end when they’re spotted by a creature mentioned all through the episode, the Black Hound, setting up what’s to come. 
While that builds up future events well, the episode is still held back by a few concerning character moments and feeling cluttered by telling two different stories at once.  Even with that, there’s a good amount of creativity and good intentions from everyone working in its favor.

The Ranking
  1. The House in the Woods
  2. The Nightmare Spirit
  3. The Tide Mice
  4. The Bird Parade
  5. The Midnight Giant
  6. The Hidden People
  7. The Storm
  8. The Troll Rock
  9. The Lost Clan
  10. The Sparrow Scouts
  11. The Nisse
  12. The Ghost

The next Hilda review is the last one for Season 1, following up on the appearance of the Black Hound.
Next time on MC Toon Reviews, it's "Scent of a Hoodie" and "Rest in Pudding" from Star vs the Forces of Evil.
If you would like to check out other Hilda reviews on this blog, click here for the guide made especially for them.


  1. I kinda think the Marras were conspiring to recruit Frida

  2. I agree, this and the next episode feel like different stories tied together.
