Friday, February 8, 2019

The Ghost (Hilda Season 1 Episode 9) - 'Toon Reviews 26

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The Ghost
It’s clear that Hilda’s new friendships are the best thing about her move to Trolberg.  Five episodes in a row have featured her, Frida, and David as compatible companions.  For that, it’s appropriate that their friendship starts getting tested, though with it comes a few off-putting moments. 
Hilda no doubt values this friendship the best of the three.  Right away she rushes to help Frida and lets nothing stand in her way.  Frida’s problem is just a messy room that needs cleaning.  Still, it’s a very big deal because always keeping her room tidy all the time is a way to show she’s perfect and organized. Both are traits needed for her to be elected class president.  Hilda’s friendly demeanor remains strong as she not only helps Frida clean, but also devises a plan to investigate potential supernatural forces like a ghost making the mess. 
However, when they play back a tape after discovering a new mess the next day, it’s Frida who made the mess.  Not to mention, she makes messes in her room all the time and actually thinks it cleans itself up.  It’s baffling that Frida, an intelligent character, thinks a bedroom cleans itself.  She may be a child, but I can’t buy her being that naïve.  Another big concern is that it’s never explained why Frida even makes messes at all.  The tape suggests that her doing so is routine.  Again, it’s hard to buy that she would willingly do all this, as well as frequently get into violent spats with David whenever he points out her flaws. 
That said, the episode still goes in an interesting direction when Frida finds that her favorite book, which belonged to someone named Craigie Williams, is missing.  With the aid of that mysterious librarian who shares an oddly specific knowledge on ghosts, the friends go to Craigie’s grave to summon the ghosts and try to get the book back.  Highlights include the designs of the ghosts where instead of transparent figures of people, their inert blobs with bones of the departed.  Another one is the fascinating twists that Craigie’s ghost did constantly come to clean Frida’s room, but was mostly there to read his own book. 
There’s another ghost holding a book she stole from Craigie, and in a creative turn, the kids have to wrestle it to get it back.  It’s a wild outcome, but it does make some good use of Frida and David’s spats.  Though they lose the match, Hilda cleverly manipulates the ghost into surrendering the book, but it’s not what Frida lost.  Just by failing to get her book, Frida is in a total funk about failing to be perfect up to the point of not showing up for the class president campaign. 
This brings a bittersweet yet slightly problematic conclusion.  Frida laments about being perfect to please her parents, suggesting she’s pressured by them.  Then, when Hilda tries comforting her with genuine support, Frida lashes out at her.  Sure, she has some good points of Hilda dragging her and David to dangerous situations, but it's ignored that Hilda’s actions are of good intent most of the time.  They've even brought loads more good than bad.  Then her anger becomes downright unacceptable as she says she’s sorry Hilda even moved to Trolberg.  She may be upset, but devaluing the good qualities and effort of Hilda is going too far. 
This fight is rather one-sided, but I give it credit for taking time to resolve itself through episodes to come.  It adds an emotional scope to this simple yet common occurrence to kids, flaws and all.  Along with a nevertheless good number of nice character moments and creative scenarios, even as one of the weaker episodes, it’s plenty engaging.

The Ranking
  1. The Nightmare Spirit
  2. The Tide Mice
  3. The Bird Parade
  4. The Midnight Giant
  5. The Hidden People
  6. The Troll Rock
  7. The Lost Clan
  8. The Sparrow Scouts
  9. The Ghost

The next Hilda review follows her as she goes on a weather-themed adventure in the advent of her falling out with Frida.
Next time on MC Toon Reviews is the third Star vs the Forces of Evil Season 3 episode consisting of "Puddle Defender" and "King Ludo."
If you would like to check out other Hilda reviews on this blog, click here for the guide made especially for them.

1 comment:

  1. You know why Frida is spating David? because he's fueling her resentment while she is the middle of a crisis
