Thursday, January 4, 2018

'Toon Reviews 11: Voltron: Legendary Defender Season 1 Episode 10: Collection and Extraction

Collection and Extraction

As we near the end of the season, we get an episode that follows the Voltron team infiltrate a Galra universal shipment station to obtain information about Zarkon’s base so to defeat him without coming off as a head-on attack from amateurs.  This mission has its good share of noteworthy moments from most of the team.  We get a good display of Pidge’s technical knowledge as she finds ways to get information out of a Galra robot, even when it tries to shut down to avoid revealing anything.  Her role is eventually put to good use when you consider what Keith gets up to.  During his investigation of the universal station, Keith discovers something that serves as another great addition to the creative side of this show’s world.  It’s been stated a few times throughout the series that many things in the galaxy thrive on a special energy called quintessence, and Galra is using it for fuel as the robot explains to Pidge and the others.  It draws to the conclusion that Galra keeps conquering planets to harvest the quintessence for themselves, causing harm to the planets in the process, further implying the dangers of the threat the Paladins must face.  It’s also shown to have special healing powers when during an intense battle with a Galra soldier in the quintessence supply room, Keith gets injured where only a splash from the quintessence heals him which further adds to the creative properties of this world and shows why the substance is important to the universe.  However, as was the case with the last two episodes, Allura’s role turns out to be the highlight.  While mostly seen supporting the team from afar in her castle, here she shows complete willingness to follow the Paladins with their mission despite potentially wiping out the last of the Alteans.  If that’s not enough, she volunteers to find out about Zarkon’s base from a Galra ship that has just landed with a disguise made from a stray uniform and her newly revealed ability to change color to blend in with the guards which is admittedly conveniently revealed to us just now.  Allura’s big moment comes in at the end after an intense dash to the information center with more of Shiro’s returning memories as a guide just when they’re about to get their desired information.  They’re both discovered and have to escape, but when there’s no time to activate an escape pod and fend off the guards at the same time, Allura throws Shiro into the pod and allows herself to be captured.  The moment is staged as a highly emotional one as Shiro watches with sadness as Allura gets captured while his pod takes off, but at the same time, you can understand the pride in Allura for deciding to sacrifice herself for her comrade, making her a strong character to get behind, and are left hoping the team can save her.  Overall, while some moments go on too long and certain plot elements are conveniently revealed with very little to, this is a solid episode and lead-in to the season finale. 9.5/10
The Ranking
1.      Rebirth
2.      The Rise of Voltron
3.      Crystal Venom
4.      The Fall of the Castle of Lions
5.      Collection and Extraction
6.      Return of the Gladiator
7.      Return to the Balmera
8.      Tears of the Balmera
9.      Some Assembly Required
10.  Taking Flight
Be sure to stay tuned for the review of the season finale where the Paladins finally attempt a direct attack on Zarkon's base and we learn about "The Black Paladin."
If you would like to check out other Voltron: Legendary Defender reviews on this blog, click here for the guide made especially for them.

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