Tuesday, January 2, 2018

'Toon Reviews 11: Voltron: Legendary Defender Season 1 Episode 8: Rebirth

The exciting tone of the last episode continues into this one when the Voltron Paladins are roped into fighting another Robeast which isn’t as easy to defeat as the first one was.  Much of their fight with the beast takes up a vast majority of the episode, and is big on a lot of engaging factors.  The biggest one involves the tensions raised when the team has to fight it without forming a clear idea for an attack strategy.  They have to retreat the first time they face it, and then return to try and beat it by weakening it, but it isn’t long before they decide that destroying the robeast is the only chance they have which really does seem impossible to do given its constant laser-shooting.  They only gain the advantage when a bayard plugged into a Voltron lion once again plays a role in battle which is a solid payoff for all the difficulties faced prior.  So not to make the battle too heavy on drama, the mood is also lightened by some of the team’s comments on what they’re facing, especially Hunk in his own cautious ways, including the part where his bayard is plugged into his lion.  However, there’s one character who really stands out to help make this episode a highlight of this season, and that’s Allura.  This is where everything strong about her character amounts to something incredibly heartwarming.  She’s willing to go down herself to the scene of battle despite the dangers to help the Balmerans who are put in danger by its moans of pain due to so many people taking from it and not giving anything back.  They’ve all given up hope and feel so guilty for their planets state that they want to stay on their planet as it’s destroyed.  However, Allura, through all her determination and hope, encourages the Balmerans to keep up hope and that she will not let anything happen to their home while also sympathizing with them through knowing what it’s like to lose a home planet to the Galra Empire.  It’s her determined spirit that reveals that she, like others of her kind, has the power to heal Balmeras which in turn ties into a follow-up on a statement of healing ceremonies in the last episode.  We learn that Alteans used to perform ceremonies to heal Balmeras when their crystals were harvested, and Allura is willing to perform one herself with her castle ship amplifying her healing powers.  What’s especially impactful of Allura’s willingness is that she’s doing something that could destroy her due to how powerful it is.  She successfully heals the Balmera which in turn finishes off the robeast by imprisoning it in crystals, and she lives anyway, despite needing to rest off the strain of the ordeal in the following episode.  Plus, her willingness to save innocent creatures isn’t made any less impactful and is a clear demonstration of her being a great asset to the series.  Ultimately, the thrill of the Paladin’s fight and Allura’s great appeal as a character elevate this to one of this season’s best episodes. 10/10
The Ranking
1.      Rebirth
2.      The Rise of Voltron
3.      The Fall of the Castle of Lions
4.      Return of the Gladiator
5.      Return to the Balmera
6.      Tears of the Balmera
7.      Some Assembly Required
8.      Taking Flight
Be sure to stay tuned for the review of the next episode where the Paladins' castle ship is infected with "Crystal Venom" that cause havoc for everyone.
If you would like to check out other Voltron: Legendary Defender reviews on this blog, click here for the guide made especially for them.

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