Monday, September 25, 2017

'Toon Reviews 6: Steven Universe Season 1 Episode 16

Steven the Sword Fighter
Steven himself so far has come off as naïve and clueless in serious situations, not to mention pretty boneheaded at times.  However, that leaves room for him to learn things and really mature as an asset to the Crystal Gems such is the case of this cartoon.  Here, he becomes interested in learning sword fighting after watching samurai movies and Pearl offers to teach him, in the process showing off some impressive fighting movements against her hologram opponent known as Holo Pearl complete with a soothing music piece that matches the pace of the fighting playing in the background.  However, during the training, Pearl gets stabbed by Holo Pearl which is sure to be shocking to anyone watching this for the first time.  Adding on Pearl poofing away after getting stabbed, you’d interpret this as one of the main characters getting fatally wounded.  This actually leads to another interesting factor of how Gems work.  When their bodies get damaged, they disappear into their gemstones and take their time to heal and when they’ve recovered enough, they come back with a new form.  Even if they are stabbed like Pearl, they’ll be fine as long as nothing happens to their gemstones.  It’s interesting information that adds to the creative appeal of Gems, but in Pearl’s case, unfortunately for Steven, it means a long time passes for her to regenerate and you can really feel how lost Steven is without her.  Given Pearl’s motherly nature we’ve seen up until now, Steven’s love for her and depression that she’s not around is very understandable.  Equally understandable is his decision to spend time with the closest thing Steven has to Pearl, Holo Pearl, as a way to make up for being apart from her.  Through a series of mishaps, Steven notices that Holo Pearl has a one-track mind of wanting to sword fight at every given moment resulting in him needing to fight the hologram.  This is where Steven’s character growth comes in.  Not only does he get that this mess could’ve been avoided if he waited for the real Pearl to come back, he remembers everything the real Pearl taught him about sword fighting, mainly waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and that’s how he beats Holo Pearl.  It’s a rewarding result to Steven actually solve his problem by accounting what was taught to him.  It has him develop the skills and maturity he needs to rise as a hero which he displays more of for the rest of the show. It’s even capped off by Pearl finally returning with a beautifully upgraded appearance giving further promise for more greatness from this show.  This cartoon packs in a lot with the new information on how Gems work, well-done moments of shock, humor, and heart, and character development from Steven.  Like Steven in the fight with Holo Pearl, this cartoon is a winner. 10/10
The Ranking
  1. So Many Birthdays
  2. Steven the Sword Fighter
  3. Bubble Buddies
  4. Laser Light Cannon
  5. Giant Woman
  6. Lars and the Cool Kids
  7. Steven’s Lion
  8. Gem Glow
  9. Cheeseburger Backpack
  10. Serious Steven
  11. Cat Fingers
  12. Tiger Millionaire
  13. Together Breakfast
  14. Frybo
  15. Onion Trade
  16. Arcade Mania
Be sure to stay tuned for the review of the next episode where the mystery of Lion and the great friendship of Steven and Connie combine into the great viewing experience that is "Lion 2: The Movie."
If you would like to check out other reviews on this blog, click here for the guide to all the reviews posted so far.

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