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My Mother the Psychic

This episode is another one to give the impression of this show now belonging to Fenton Crackshell, further spelling a downgrade in engagement from the early days. However, its execution brings about an endearing look into his family and home life. As a favorable measure, it develops his mother known for being completely obsessed with watching her favorite TV shows. It’s like she literally never leaves the couch at the risk of abandoning her precious TV.
Fenton wishes for his mother to spend time with him, but her habits and crotchety attitude suggest no progress. Then, when trying to fix the TV signal, Mrs. Crackshell gets an electric shock which gives her psychic powers. She’s able to sense any event before it happens like it’s nothing, and the episode does not hesitate to show off what can be done with this new ability. Scrooge happens to catch sight of this and proceeds to take advantage of what Mrs. Crackshell can do. He has her serve as a consultant to sense the details of various new deals and sales. As a result, Scrooge’s position in the stock market absolutely skyrockets to the point where no one can possibly compete. Mrs. Crackshell even gets a good deal out of this through watching her favorite shows on a state-of-the-art flat screen TV as opposed to her small faulty one in her trailer home.
There is a major drawback on an emotional level though when Fenton gets involved. He still wants to spend time with his mother, but the new arrangements with Scrooge make it less likely than ever, and he’s further frustrated that his mother isn’t even interested. It’s this reaction that shows a genuine heart amidst Mrs. Crackshell’s cold exterior when her psychic powers reveal that her son is literally never going to talk to her again. She’s actually saddened by this and sets out to make amends, making it clear that despite seeming uncaring, she really does love her son.
Another drawback to Mrs. Crackshell’s powers shows what happens when they fall into the wrong hands. In this case, Flintheart Glomgold and the Beagle Boys are dumbfounded by Scrooge’s major rise in the stock market. Upon finding out his secret weapon, they play to Mrs. Crackshell’s guilt over her failure as a mother and trick her with a fake ad for a self-help line. Mrs. Crackshell falls for it and is at the mercy of becoming the new psychic to enhance Flintheart’s affluence. It’s around this time when Fenton learns what’s happened to his mother, and he maturely doesn’t let his frustrations with her keep him from saving her. He arrives as Gizmoduck, and said superhero guise seems set to solve the problem, but Flintheart is apparently formidable as a villain. He traps Gizmoduck with a magnet and is nearly successful in using it to send him to the moon. However, Gizmoduck proves even cleverer as he finds a way to save himself by steering the magnet. This ultimately stops the villains and brings down a cable tower, cutting off Mrs. Crackshell’s psychic powers. While Scrooge is pretty insensitive lamenting he won’t be on top of the stock market anymore, Fenton and his mother get some nice reconciliation. Mrs. Crackshell may be without her powers, but she’s grateful to spend time with her son just as he’s glad to spend time with her. Indeed, this is an uplifting endearing way to close an episode built on a unique premise.
Fenton Crackshell may be far from the most interesting member of the cast, but this is one of his and his family’s better starring roles.
The Ranking
My Mother the Psychic
2. Allowance Day
3. The Land of Trala La
4. The Good Muddahs
5. Bubbeo and Juliet
The next review looks into Fenton's love life where he has to balance a date with Gandra Dee, and a flirtatious maid robot.
Next time from the reboot, you're invited to "The Beagle Birthday Breakout."
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