Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Dream Stalker - (Xiaolin Showdown Season 3 Episode 8) - 'Toon Reviews 45

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The Dream Stalker

Facing fears seem to be a topic for very personal and thought-provoking stories from my perspective.  It’s a great way to really get to know a character and potentially depict a side of them in ways that go all out with imagination.  These qualities make this episode fairly interesting in terms of world-building and character development.  

Continuing the Xiaolin Warriors’ stay with Master Monk Guan, things start with a ‘great evil’ being sensed, putting everyone on high alert.  As has been the case with most of this season, the culprit behind it is Hannibal Bean and his Moby Morpher.  His scheme here targets the more interpersonal side of his enemies, and even brings some of the more dangerous Shen Gong Wu into the forefront after being absent for a while.  He sets things up so that whenever Raimundo falls asleep, a big jellyfish monster with the ability to turn beings to sapphire appears to fight, and disappears when he awakes.  

For those who have a strong memory of Shen Gong Wu, you may know the jellyfish monster is a result of the Shadow of Fear, and the ability of sapphire petrification is from the Sapphire Dragon.  With the aid of the Moby Morpher, the beings come together to create this new force of evil.  When it comes to impressions of the return of these Shen Gong Wu after such a long time, it’s mostly good, but at times don’t live up to the potential of their initial appearances.  The Sapphire Dragon was one of the most foreboding Shen Gong Wu back when it was revealed mainly from how it was its own mindless force, petrifying anyone in its path.  Being a part of Hannibal’s scheme ends up holding back its dark potential and somewhat goes against its intended nature.  As for the Shadow of Fear, the fears it brought up in its first appearance were largely laughable, with them all being overreactions to minor creepy things.  Thankfully, this new use of it brings deeper meaning to these fears.  

After a lengthy sequence of humorous attempts to keep Raimundo awake, the others are easily duped by Hannibal when a new Shen Gong Wu reveals itself.  When Raimundo is left to succumb to sleep, the episode is at its most interesting.  He finds himself in his own mind, filled with visions and memories of his interests and friends, a very fitting idea for what such a place would be like.  

However, with Hannibal Bean present, his mind is less pleasing and more disturbing, and unearths the deeper meaning behind his fears.  Having picked things up from the inner Raimundo, who turns out to be a younger version of himself, Hannibal knows the real struggles of this Xiaolin Warrior.  His fear truly is something much broader and deeper than something like a jellyfish.  It’s a personal belief that he isn’t good enough to be a true asset to the team, and it makes sense since he was last to be promoted at one point, and even intentionally went bad.  The eerie line deliveries from Hannibal and constant scene changes reflect the hard truth of this reveal on Raimundo.  However, visions of his friends struggling in a Xiaolin Showdown against the Sapphire Dragon convince Raimundo to keep trying to be a worthy Warrior.  I question how what goes on in his mind reaches the Showdown, but in any case, it brings a solid resolution.  Also, in confronting the fear, the following scene of him feeling refreshed and positive after spending the episode in so much fatigue, it really feels like a weight’s been lifted.  

Some plot points here may not have the best execution, but they ultimately do right in setting scenes and exploring characters.


The Ranking

1.      Bird of Paradise

2.      Oil in the Family

3.      The Treasure of the Blind Swordsman

4.      The Dream Stalker

5.      Finding Omi

6.      Omi Town

7.      The Life and Times of Hannibal Roy Bean

8.      The Return of Master Monk Guan

Be sure to stay tuned for the review of the next episode where everyone is screwed over by a shady con artist dragon.

If you would like to check out other Xiaolin Showdown reviews on this blog, click here for the guide made especially for them.

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