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Happy Sack

cartoon fits the category of exaggerating challenges that come with life’s
common tasks to hilarious effect, in this case going food shopping. Its strengths to this setup make the cartoon
stand out as a shopping trip unlike any other, especially if you get easily
overwhelmed by its challenges like Rocko.
There’s a creative depiction of Rocko’s hunger where his stomach is personified
as a walking and talking organ demanding food.
Other depictions show how low Rocko’s food supply is such as a scene of
a common house fly making a big deal over finding crumbs and dying of
starvation before he can eat any. It’s
absurd dark comedy that brings to light the problem at hand which Rocko really
needs to solve, except he doesn’t have enough money for a food order. Fortunately, there’s a sale at the local
supermarket where everything is 99% off, the only price he can afford.
The cartoon then becomes a mad dash for Rocko
and Spunky to get through the shopping with the sale lasting for a few minutes
which becomes an even bigger hassle with all the challenges that come with
shopping enhanced humorously by exaggerations.
They start when they reach the supermarket and get caught in a
demolition derby of a search for a parking space. Soon, Rocko is off doing his shopping with a
cart that’s missing two wheels to carry everything. From there, the shopping trip is a huge
collection of creative gags based on the aisles Rocko passes through. Lots of stuff gets stuck to Spunky’s
elongated tongue after the dog tries to get a lick of ice cream in the freezer
section, and Rocko gets his head set on fire while trying a free sample of lava
puffs and gets lobsters snapped onto him when he drinks all the water in their
tank to cool off.
Regarding Spunky, this
cartoon turns out to be yet another instance where he gets himself into messes
that Rocko has to get him out of. We
already discussed the ice cream incident, but Spunky’s real trouble is when
he’s caught and packaged by a butcher.
It’s not a huge issue since Rocko freaking out and trying to save him
doesn’t take away from the food shopping experience. Rather than taking up a lot of time, saving
Spunky doesn’t become an issue until near the end of the cartoon when Rocko is close
to purchasing everything before the sale ends.
Not only that, but there’s a funny scene where he convinces a customer
who got Spunky to give him up, and the customer’s rebuttals of Rocko’s claims
backfire, particularly how him insulting sea mammals hurts an actual sea mammal
in front of him.
All these hurdles to
get through while shopping can be stressful to anyone, and what happens proves
that Rocko’s human enough to reach a breaking point too. When noon passes even after Rocko meets the
deadline, the food price goes up to normal which Rocko can’t afford, and he snaps
about everything he’s been through which convinces the cashier to let him pay
the sales price. To see that Rocko can
succumb to stress too makes this moment work and stand out as a funny scene. What doesn’t really work is the final scene
of Rocko losing the food driving home. It
makes Rocko’s outburst a huge waste, and shows that he and Spunky will be going
back to starving, the very thing they were trying to avoid.
The creative and funny stuff is still
effective while relating somewhat to what people like you may run into while
shopping. Ultimately, the cartoon is
still very good if you can get past the ending.

from experience, getting sick always feels bad especially when it means you
have to miss something you’ve been looking forward to. In this cartoon where Rocko gets sick, this
is the case when he may have to miss is a WWWWF wrestling match.
There’s a lot of detail to how sick Rocko’s
is, but they restrain it enough to not make look too disturbing. It’s marked by a simple red nose, the first
visual sign that he’s sick which includes snot dripping out. While the snot is a
little gross to see trickling out of Rocko’s nose and later ears in liters, it
helps that it comes with a nice visual gag of how it feels like water dripping
from a faucet, right down to Rocko temporarily stopping it by turning his ears.
Now, being sick doesn’t keep Rocko from being
put through life’s challenges as usual, and getting sick itself is a
challenge. They follow him through getting
medicine from a local crazy doctor whose office is a huge mess and whose
medical practices are careless. In fact,
it’s implied that he’s not even trustworthy when the nurse tries to keep him
strapped to a bed. Regarding the
medicine, it brings an interesting interpretation of finding out how to take
medicine when Rocko takes a tablet orally when he wasn’t supposed to. There’s a
wild view with distorted and wavy backgrounds as they’d normally appear to
people in a daze ending with Rocko throwing up.
This action brings three personified half-eaten foods called the
Enchanted Upchucks appearing out of the toilet Rocko threw up in to cure him once and for
all. I have to admit that like the giant
tooth in “Rinse and Spit,” this exaggeration is near impossible to deduce what
it relates to unlike most from this show.
The cartoon just decided to have half-eaten food cure Rocko just
because, and there’s little to no sense to it.
Even if this is the case, we do get a lot of cute gags out of the
Enchanted Upchucks attempts like treating a headache of Rocko’s with a big ice
cube or squishing of the brain, and feeding Rocko oranges and an iron to give
him Vitamin C and “iron.” The cure that does work is feeding Rocko a really hot
soup, meaning that Rocko’s illness wouldn’t have been cured if it wasn’t for
the Upchucks’ absurd mannerisms.
this is generally nice, their existence not making sense stands out a lot more because
of this which is a problem. Plus, while
it’s great that Rocko ends up cured, he still can’t go to the WWWWF match when
Spunky catches his cold the next day, so they have to stay home and watch it on
TV. Since they could’ve done this from
the start, there was no need to make a big deal of Rocko being sick to begin
with. Also, couldn’t Rocko just give
Spunky the soup that cured him? That
means they wouldn’t have to miss the match at all. Heck, the Enchanted Upchucks are even
present, so they can just make the soup again.
We do end with moments that devalue the whole plot, but you can still
enjoy the cartoon. Rocko is content with what happens and what’s entreating
still works. Things do get too random
for their own good though.
The Ranking
- Popcorn Pandemonium
- Cabin Fever
- Skid Marks
- The Good the Bad and the Wallaby
- Canned
- To Heck and Back
- Who Gives a Buck?
- Dirty Dog
- A Sucker for the Suck-O-Matic
- Trash-O-Madness
- Jet Scream
- Rinse and Spit
- Carnival Knowledge
- Keeping Up With the Bigheads
- Rocko’s Happy Sack
- Sand in Your Navel
- Spitballs
- No Pain No Gain
- Flu-In-U-Enza
- Power Trip
- Bedfellows
- Leap Frogs
The next Rocko's Modern Life review features the introduction to Heffer's family (even if they technically first appeared in Episode 2), and Rocko learns about the hardships of unrequited love.
Next time on MC Toon Reviews is the OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes episode "Sibling Rivalry."
If you would like to check out other Rocko's Modern Life reviews on this blog, click here for the guide made especially for them.
In "Rocko's Happy Sack", Rocko in a rage said to Filburt that he was threatened by "Gestapo Security Guards." Was that a deleted scene cut for time or something?