Sunday, November 19, 2017

'Toon Reviews 9: Star vs the Forces of Evil Season 1 Episode 4

Cheer up Star

This episode is perhaps one of the strongest representations of Star and Marco’s friendship and it’s told in a pretty interesting manner.  We open with them in the middle of a battle with Ludo and his monster army and it begs the question as to why this battle is happening.  Star and Marco end up hiding in a toolshed and as Marco explains that the monster attack is all his fault, we start to get a sense of his strong bond with Star.  As you can see, the meat of the episode is told in flashback which is a creative way of getting information across.  Anyway, in the flashback, we see that Marco had a bad day consisting of missing the school bus, getting bullied, and even embarrassing himself in front of his crush.  Star, being the good-natured, albeit hyperactive, friend she is, did everything in her power to cheer him up and it worked.  As for Marco, he soon got his chance to return the favor, when Star met a boy named Oskar Greason and became instantly smitten by his music which everyone else considered torture to their ears.  Heck, she was so taken in by Oskar’s music, her fantasies of him she has in the present interfere with the flashback in a humorous turn of events.  Anyway, Star was soon down in the dumps when she left Oskar her phone number and he never called.  Personally, it’s hard to get behind Star’s feelings since Oskar didn’t seem the least bit interested in her back when she left the number, so this outcome should kind of be expected and she shouldn’t even be making him worth her time.  That said, everything Marco does to cheer Star up after she did the same for him really demonstrates how much he values her as a friend, making that a true bond to get behind.  As for how the monster fight started, it’s all because Marco used Star’s wand as bait to lure a monster to Earth since fighting monsters is something Star loves to do, but it actually lured a whole bunch of monsters to them causing the current conflict.  Ultimately, Star beats them all with cool wand spells just as she always has throughout the season and is totally cheered up.  She even gets that call from Oskar during the fight which still doesn’t present a reason to get behind them getting together since they don’t discuss anything meaningful or get to know each other in any way.  Well, no matter how you feel about Star and Oskar together, there’s enough strong points to Star and Marco together present in this episode, and that makes it one of the most pleasing watches so far. 9/10

Quest Buy

Shopping can be either an easy thing to do or very confusing especially if you’re doing it in a big store.  This idea makes for a fun episode that’s relatable and also, given the fantasy element of this show, works in a good amount of magic and monster related creativity.  The plot gets going when Star can’t find a charger needed to power her wand, which is a bigger deal than you’d think because it’s revealed that when a wand completely runs out of power, it will stop working for good effectively raising the stakes of the conflict.  She and Marco then head over to the dimension known as Quest Buy to buy a new charger which seems to have everything anyone could need, but the store is designed like a maze, making it hard to navigate.  This is where we see a clash of methods of how to get through the store to the wand charger aisle.  Star, having been here before, believes she can get to the right aisle easily which leads them through obstacles like an ancient system of navigating the store that’s hard to decipher, aisles they need to answer riddles to get to, and somehow ending up back where they started explaining how creative and mysterious this store is.  Marco’s method ties into his idea of staying organized he’s shared throughout the episode, particularly how Star not staying organized led to her old charger getting lost.  He simply reads a map which appears to work, but certain factors, mostly involving the elevator, make everything harder than they need to be.  Even Ludo and his men get up to enjoyable antics at Quest Buy from the henchmen trying to sneak in stuff they don’t really need and getting cramped inside an elevator with a huge passenger, which doesn’t seem too uncommon in real life.  Their battle with Star and Marco is also very interesting since they have to fend them off without the help of Star’s wand which is still in its weak state, and mostly work with the store’s products lying in certain aisles, so to say the least, that’s an interesting turn of events.  Of course, our heroes find the charger they need and leave Ludo to pay for the damage, but that leads to them finding out that Star’s old charger was there the whole time sucked up into Marco’s vacuum causing it to levitate.  This may seem that the Quest Buy adventure was a waste, but since Star opts to keep her new charger and let Marco have a flying vacuum, this does still leave some possibilities for new creative adventures, maybe not a lot, but I think some potential is good enough.  On another note, it’s not exactly clear if Star truly learned about the benefits of being organized from this so the episode’s value is questionable.  Still, it’s a very good one for its creativity and how relatable it can be. 9/10

The Ranking
  1. School Spirit
  2. Party with a Pony
  3. Quest Buy
  4. Monster Arm
  5. Cheer up Star
  6. Star Comes to Earth
  7. Matchmaker
  8. The Other Exchange Student
Be sure to stay tuned for the review of the next episode where Star takes Marco and his parents on a "Diaz Family Vacation," and once pigs start flying, Star finds herself invited to "Brittney's Party."
If you would like to check out other Star vs the Forces of Evil reviews on this blog, click here for the guide made especially for them.

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